¿Eres hijo de guatemalteco(s), pero no naciste en Guatemala? • Are your parents Guatemalan, but you weren’t born in Guatemala?
Si tú naciste en el extranjero, pero eres hijo de padre o madre guatemaltecos, tienes derecho a obtener la nacionalidad guatemalteca por derecho de sangre.
If you were born abroad, but your mother of father is Guatemalan, you have the right to obtain the Guatemalan nationality by right of blood.
Matrimonio civil entre guatemaltecos y extranjeros • Civil Marriage between Guatemalans and Foreigners
Para que un matrimonio entre un guatemalteco y una extranjera o una guatemalteca y un extranjero se celebre en el territorio guatemalteco, se debe deben cumplir requisitos adicionales.
For a civil marriage between a male Guatemalan and a female foreigner or a female Guatemalan and a male foreigner to be celebrated in Guatemalan territory, you must comply with additional requirements.